Pictures from the Landmark Tavern
As part of the Harris '62 Reunion festivities, a Saturday brunch was held for Harris members and their wives at the Landmark Tavern in Manhattan. Below are some of the pictures from that event.
Counterclockwise: Neil Goldman, Art Spira, Monika Woll, Stew Gitlin, Jack Calabro, David and Louise Kahaner, Michael Grossman, Michael Shapiro
Harold Hauer, Barry and Irene Gilbert, Elaine Spira
Gene Graff, Len and Emily Daykin, and lots of people in back
David Kahaner and Bob Woll
Paul Brand and Art Spira
Michael Grossman, Michael and Sara Shapiro, Paul Brand
Hanna Graff and Monika Woll
Stew Gitlin, David Kahaner, Barry Gilbert
40th Reunion Events