Pictures of CCNY 2002
Following is a map of the CCNY campus and some photos taken by Harris members during a tour of the campus as part of the 40th anniversary of the graduating class of 1962.
The 2002 CCNY Campus. Click anywhere on the map to go to the CCNY website, for a picture of the campus, wiith names of all the buildings.
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Shephard Hall
Harold and Helen Hauer and David and Louise Kahaner at the entrance to the South Campus
The new North Academic Center building that sits on the site of the former Lewison Stadium. There is an open quadrangle out front of it and the "great" seal of the college is on display.

David and Louise playing with Lincoln's nose, and inside the Great Hall, remade from a classy, dark hall which housed the Tech Library, into a 'dance hall' (more information on this in Harold's Campus Tour).
40th Reunion Events