Pictures from Sidonie's Apartment
As we did for our 40th reunion in 2002, Harris '62 members again held a get-together at the Central Park West apartment of Sally Hauer's sister Sidonie Dobkin. In addition to the members and their wives and companions, four of our Harris '62 Scholarship Fund recipients also attended the event.
50th Reunion Events
Below are pictures of some of our scholarship recipients who attended the event.
Amy Sanchez, 2012, a Theater Arts Major
Gina Stovall (now Soto), 2009, an Environmental Earth Systems Science major, with husband Jennfred
Alaa Moussawi, 2011, Physics major (left), and Francisco Arias, 2010, an Environmental Engineering major
Francisco, with Bob Woll and Len Daykin
Gina and Alaa with Emily Daykin
Alaa with Michael Shapiro
Alaa and Francisco with Neil Goldman