Pictures from Fiorini Restaurant
The Saturday night formal get-together at Fiorini Restaurant
50th Reunion Events
Michael and Peggy Grossman and Michael and Sara Shapiro
From the left: Dave and Anita Schick, Neil and Sally Goldman, Harold and Helen Hauer, and Ed Kirsch and his wife Marsha Slucker
From the left: Jack Calabro, Bob and Arlene Memis, Len and Emily Daykin, and Monika Woll
From the left: David and Louise Kahaner, Art and Marilyn Loewenthal, Jack Calabro and Phyllis Opochinsky
Bob Woll taking the above pictures
Dave and Louise Kahaner, and Jack Calabro
Michael Grossman and Michael Shapiro
Louise Kahaner and Peggy Grossman
Art Loewenthal and Jack Calabro
Dave Schick with Harold and Helen Hauer
Additional photos can be seen here.
(If you right click the link, it should let you open the Picasa album in a separate tab, depending on your browser)