Scholarship Information
Harris '62 takes pride in that it was the first, and for many years the only, CCNY House Plan to provide scholarships to deserving CCNY students. Since 2005, Harris '62 members have donated over $55,100, enabling us, as of 2017, to fund 21 half-scholarships to these deserving students.

Below is a list of the Scholarship recipients and their major areas of study.

2005: Sabeen Perwaiz - Psychology
Sabeen Perwaiz, 2005, Psychology, who is engaged and living in Jacksonville, FL, works at the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council as a Girl Leadership Program Specialist. She called and sent a message that included this paragraph:

“My desire to give back to this world started in CCNY because of you all. Your generosity and willingness to help others made me realize that there is a lot of good in this world if you choose to see it. Thank you for shaping me into who I am today… I am happy with where I am in life and hope to accomplish so much more so that one day I can give to others like you gave me.”

2006: Tatyana Teslova - Biochemistry
Tatiana Teslova, 2006, Biochemistry, who had been working for NYC’s Department of Environment Protection’s Hazmat Division as a chemist since graduation, emailed to say that, although she would love to thank Harris ’62 members personally for their generosity, and wants them to know what an honor it was to receive the scholarship, she’s currently enrolled in Penn State’s medical school and can’t get away.

2007: K. Adam Kunst - Political Science
Adam Kunst just graduated from Boston College Law School.

2008: Ryan Cammarata - Electrical Engineering
Ryan Cammarata, who graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering a year ago, will start graduate school in the fall.

2009: Gina Stovall - Environmental Earth Systems Science
Gina Stovall (now Soto), 2009, is an Environmental Earth Systems Science major who works for HRP Associates as a geologist working on mitigation and restoration projects, traveled in from Connecticut with her husband to join us. She beamed as she told us, “I don’t know if all of you realize it, but your scholarship made such a difference to me. I was working at 2 jobs, struggling to find the time for course work, and feeling pretty stressed about it all. Your scholarship made such a difference in my life.”

2010: Pavel Gomez - Architecture
Pavel Gomez, 2010, an Architecture major, has worked on architectural projects for Aptum Architecture, a company whose principals are affiliated with the University of Illinois. He had hoped to attend the brunch, but was not well and could not make it.

2010: Francisco Arias - Environmental Engineering
Francisco Arias, 2010, an Environmental Engineering major, just graduated from CCNY. He’s been hired by the college to work this summer on Environmental Engineering lab project curriculum changes, and will start job hunting later in the summer. As he mingled with the group, he, too, shared his memory of having received the Harris Scholarship at a time when money was tight.

2011: Alaa Moussawi - Physics
Alaa Moussawi, 2011, a Physics major, also just graduated from CCNY. In September he’ll start teaching physics at City College Academy of the Arts, a city high school for academically advanced students located on Broadway and 196th Street. Talking to members of our group – whether we understood physics or not – we were taken by his enthusiasm and how glad he was to meet the Harris ’62 people who had impacted his life.

2011: Stella Cassignol - Sophie Davis School of Medical Education BS-MD Program
It is with a grateful heart that I say thank you for granting this scholarship to me. My family has been suffering through a heavy financial burden that caused me to obtain more hours that I frankly, could not handle with the heavy work load of a student at the Sophie Davis program. This scholarship will not only help ease the financial stress that has been placed upon me, but it will help alleviate the emotional and mental strain and allow me to focus on my studies to achieve my dream of becoming a physician. Thank you for this honor.

2012: Amy Sanchez - Theater Arts
Amy Sanchez, 2012, a Theater Arts major, still attends CCNY and was very excited about her brand new scholarship since she relies on financial aid to help finance her education. She only learned about the scholarship recently and thought it was wonderful that she could actually meet her new scholarship donors. She will perform in CCNY’s New Haarlem Arts Theatre’s production of “Sweet Charity” this summer.

2012: Eduarda Rosario - Pre-Law
I was recently selected for the Rogowsky Government & Public Affairs Program which has given me the opportunity to live in Washington, D.C. this summer in order to complete a legislative internship at the House of Representatives. I am currently working in Rep. Charles B. Rangel’s office which has allowed me to gain invaluable insight into the process through which legislation is made and more generally, how our government functions. Upon my return to New York, I will enter my senior year with a double major in Prelaw and Italian Language and Cultures. This scholarship will contribute significantly to the financial burdens that I will face in the coming months and it will allow me to dedicate more of my time to my studies, projects and getting into law school. I am both grateful and humbled by your generosity and hope to follow your example by giving back to my community in the future.

Thank you again for your generous support.

2013: Anna-Marie Hanlon - Early Childhood Education
Working during the day and attending evening college classes at a time when my husband is still at work, has required the cost of babysitters as well as tuition, and I appreciate how the Harris Scholarship will help to relieve some of the financial burden.

I work as a Montessori teacher and have found that the CWE classes I have attended have helped with lesson plans, theories and ideas. The more I learn, the more I grow as a teacher. My courses, professors, and the stimulating sharing of ideas help to invigorate me and to create a sense of a deeper understanding of all elements of Early Childhood.

Thank you for choosing me for your generous scholarship.

2013: Richard Monge - Secondary Education
As a prospective high school science teacher, I plan to share my knowledge of the sciences with future scientists, engineers and innovators. I believe the Harris ’62 Scholarship will help me on my path toward becoming that educator.

My goal of becoming a high school physics teacher keeps getting closer. Students remember that one awesome teacher they had who awakened the dormant feeling of curiosity they had had as young children. I hope to be that teacher one day.

Thank you for the honor of your award.

2014: Cindy Rodriguez - Sociology
It is with unimaginable gratitude that I thank you for your generous gift. This Fall I will begin my third year at the City College of New York, majoring in sociology and psychology. Once I graduate from City College in the Spring of 2016, I plan on continuing my education by pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Work. I hope to take all that I have learned and will learn at City College with me as I do my best to help those in need.

Your gift has allowed me to cover the costs of my courses this Fall, buy any needed supplies, and save some money for the future.
Once again, I thank you for your gift. I am truly honored and humbled.

2014: Rosario Antunez - Computer Sciences
I am writing to thank you for electing me as a recipient of the Harris '62 Scholarship. I am deeply grateful for this honor that will allow me to continue to excel at The City College of New York.

My name is Rosario Antunez and I recently emigrated from Cuba to New York City. While in Cuba, I started my Computer Science education without being able to complete my degree. It has always been a goal for me to graduate from college with a degree in Computer Science. This scholarship provides me the opportunity to focus more on my studies and to continue to pursue excellence in Computer Science.

2015: Josh Burnett - History
My name is Josh Burnett. I want to sincerely thank you all for your generosity. This scholarship will be immensely helpful in my continued pursuits at the City College of New York.

The Harris ’62 Scholarship will ease the financial strain my family has endured since I returned to school. We have managed to get by on my wife’s wages, and my PELL grants, TAP money, school loans, and an on again off again job as a catered wedding waiter at the Brooklyn Botanical garden. My wife works as an assistant producer for Morning Edition at the New York NPR affiliate, WNYC. Her hours are from 4am to 12pm, so I watch our daughter in the morning until she arrives home, and then I commute an hour and fifteen minutes to CCNY for classes. Between being a fulltime parent and student, there is not much time to earn money. This scholarship means a lot. Thank you, again.

2015: Lisa Samnath - Economics and Business
I am writing to thank you for your generous financial support towards my education. I was overcome with enormous joy when I found out that I am going to be one of the recipients of your scholarship. I am extremely grateful for your program for giving me the chance to pursue my dream to finish school and help my family and others around me.

This scholarship will allow me to focus more on my school work and my community. It will also help me achieve my second goal which is to minor in art. Art is something I am passionate about and I believe it is therapeutic. Art can help me expand my interpersonal skills and with your support, I am thankful to say I can achieve that goal.

Thank you again very much for this scholarship. Your support is greatly appreciated and I hope that I will be able to help my family and my community as much as I really want to, the same way that you’re helping me.

2016: Adeline Hernandez - Chemistry
I am honored to have been a recipient of the Harris '62 scholarship. I am writing in order to express my appreciation and gratitude for your munificence.

During this fall semester I will be working with Professor Urs Jans with the goal of gaining a greater understanding of Environmental Chemistry theory and practices.
With the aid of your generosity my financial burdens will be greatly reduced, allowing me to focus on my studies as well as my research with Professor Urs Jans.

I thank you, once again, for awarding me the Harris '62 scholarship. I assure you that I will excel in my classes and achieve my goals of conducting Environmental Chemistry research to the benefit of the environment.

2016: Martin Vejarano - Music
Thank you so much for awarding me with the Harris ’62 Scholarship; I am truly honored and humbled. Financial stability is a major issue when you are a full time student and a gesture such as this you are granting me with is highly appreciated. I will be finishing my required and elective classes in January 2017 and look forward to apply to graduate school in fall of that year. This scholarship comes to me in a very important moment of my personal and academic life, it inspires, motivates and propels my spirit and intellect to continue searching and improving my self in this path to a better and more fulfilling life.

2017: Lisa Lopez - Biology
I am writing to thank you for the Harris ‘62 Scholarship! When I learned that I was a recipient of your scholarship, I was overflowing with joy. I am currently a Biology major here at City College and my future plans include getting into The City College Physician Assistant program. Without the help of the Harris ‘62 Scholarship, I would have not been able to apply. Receiving this scholarship has also made my parents so proud and grateful. They support me all throughout my college career and to know that this money is going towards my education and dreams makes them forever thankful to the Harris 62’ scholarship committee.

2017: Hanady Sayed - Math
My name is Hanady Sayed, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thank you for the Harris '62 Scholarship. I am very thankful for the doors this opportunity can help open for me as I continue my education at City College as a mathematics major.