Pictures from Sidonie's Apartment
Another activity that Harris members attended while in NYC for the 40th anniversary reunion, was a get-together at the Central Park West apartment of Sally Hauer's sister Sidonie Dobkin. Below are some of the pictures from that event.
A Fall foliage view of Central Park
The Men of Harris '62
Back row, left to right: Mike Grossman, Jerry Bellsey, Jerry Lipsky, Jack Calabro, Michael Shapiro
Middle row: Art Spira, Ed Beiser, David Kahaner, Stew Gitlin, Phil Heyman, Art Loewenthal
Front Row: Bob Woll, Harold Hauer, Phil Sobel, Neil Goldman
The Wives of Harris '62
Back row, left to right: Carol Rouleau (Lipsky), Grace Beiser, Elaine Spira
Middle row: Louise Kahaner, Sally Goldman, Monika Woll, Esther Sobel, Marilyn Loewenthal
Front Row: Sara Shapiro, Helen Hauer, Ronda Bellsey
Jack Calabro and Sara Shapiro
Michael Grossman
Harold Hauer, Phil and Esther Sobel, Neil Goldman
Bob Woll, Louise Kahaner, Jerry and Ronda Bellsey
Michael and Sara Shapiro, Bob and Monika Woll, David and Louise
Ed Beiser
Phil Heyman wearing Neil Goldman's latest invention
40th Reunion Events